Pharmacoflash / Posters Modérés (PM2) - Populations particulières

mercredi 12 juin 2024
Sessions posters
Sessions de posters modérés S36 10h00 > 11h00 Pharmacoflash / Posters Modérés (PM2) - Populations particulières B216 Sessions de posters modérés

Modératrices : Annie-Pierre JONVILLE-BERA (Tours), Capucine ARRIVE (Grenoble)

Posters modérés

25 PM2-033 - Drug-induced congenital anomalies : disproportionality analysis in the national pharmacovigilance database > I. Isabelle LACROIX 148 PM2-034 - Antiretroviral drug exposure in pregnancy and risk of congenital anomalies: a European case-malformed control study > A. Agnès SOMMET 216 PM2-035 - Prenatal exposure to proton pump inhibitors and risk of serious infections in the first year of life: a nationwide population-based cohort study > M. Mylène Tisseyre 285 PM2-036 - Risk of congenital ocular anomaly in EUROmediCAT: Assessment of the Potential Risk of Taking Medications during Pregnancy in Europe. > E-A. Erika-Alejandra Cifuentes-Castro 322 PM2-037 - Association between bleeding complications during pregnancy and the use of low-dose aspirin : a French nation-wide cohort study > F. Florian Joly 338 PM2-038 - Full dose rivaroxaban in patients with history of bariatric surgery: all clear? A nonrandomized phase 1 study > C. Cyril LEVEN

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