
mercredi 12 juin 2024
Sessions parallèles
Sessions parallèles S26 08h00 > 09h30 Addictovigilance Amphi D Sessions parallèles

Modérateurs : Célian BERTIN (Clermont-Ferrand), Joëlle MICALLEF (Marseille)

Conférence invitée
08h00 Cannabidiol dans les addictions - Benjamin ROLLAND (Lyon)

Communications orales

17 CO-031 - Smartphones swabs analysis as a promising tool for toxico-epidemiology: a proof of concept study in nightclub > B. Bruno REVOL 159 CO-032 - Readmission to psychiatric units and cannabis use: a cohort study in young adults with bipolar and psychotic disorders > J. Justine Perino 177 CO-033 - Trends in the naloxone diffusion among opioids drug users from 2019 to 2022 > C. Clémence Lacroix 289 CO-034 - Psychoactive substances in people who inject drugs: the European Syringe Collection and Analysis Project Enterprise’s (ESCAPE) findings in Paris in 2023 > A. Amine Larabi 248 CO-035 - Tramadol misuse before and after time-limited prescribing in Eastern France > V. Valérie Gibaja 204 CO-036 - Compared potential of generating spontaneous signals for abuse and dependence among prescription psychostimulants: a disproportionality analysis in VigiBase® > E. Emilie Jouanjus

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