Pharmacologie cardiovasculaire

mardi 15 juin 2021
Sessions parallèles de communications orales
Sessions parallèles de communications orales S26 11h10 > 12h10 Pharmacologie cardiovasculaire Salle 3 Sessions parallèles de communications orales

Modérateurs : Youssef Bennis, Jérémy Bellien

CO-025 CO-025 - Increased high molecular weight adiponectin and lean mass during tocilizumab treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A 12 month multicenter study. > E. Eric TOUSSIROT CO-026 CO-026 - Analysis of the cardiovascular complications related to use of cannabis reported to the French Addictovigilance Network in 2011-2017 > E. Emilie JOUANJUS CO-027 CO-027 - Description of the novel mechanism of endothelial cytoprotection induced by ticagrelor against hypoxic lesions > C. Catherine Feliu CO-028 CO-028 - Temperature-sensitive transient receptor potential (TRP) channels expression and microvascular reactivity to cooling in Raynaud’s phenomenon > A. Alicia Guigui CO-029 CO-029 - The phosphatase activity of soluble epoxide hydrolase contributes to the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension associated with heart failure > T. Thomas Duflot CO-030 CO-030 - Short and Long-term Empagliflozin Treatment Improves Cardiac Function in Rats with Chronic Heart Failure. > Y. Yohan Stephan

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